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General Error Codes for macOS

List of General Mac OS X Errors

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Today we will focus General Errors for your Mac OS X including OS X Yosemite and OS X El Capitan. Earlier versions of the Mac OS X might also be included but honestly, you should make sure you have the latest OS X, the upgrades are free as well.

What are General Error Codes?

General Error codes for Mac are the most basic/common errors that happen when something goes wrong on your Mac laptop or desktop computer. Below you will find a list of the most common General error codes for Mac OS X including both OS X El Capitan and OS X Yosemite.

List of General Error Codes

paramErr = -50, /*error in user parameter list*/
noHardwareErr = -200, /*Sound Manager Error Returns*/
notEnoughHardwareErr = -201, /*Sound Manager Error Returns*/
userCanceledErr = -128,
qErr = -1, /*queue element not found during deletion*/
vTypErr = -2, /*invalid queue element*/
corErr = -3, /*core routine number out of range*/
unimpErr = -4, /*unimplemented core routine*/
SlpTypeErr = -5, /*invalid queue element*/
seNoDB = -8, /*no debugger installed to handle debugger command*/
controlErr = -17, /*I/O System Errors*/
statusErr = -18, /*I/O System Errors*/
readErr = -19, /*I/O System Errors*/
writErr = -20, /*I/O System Errors*/
badUnitErr = -21, /*I/O System Errors*/
unitEmptyErr = -22, /*I/O System Errors*/
openErr = -23, /*I/O System Errors*/
closErr = -24, /*I/O System Errors*/
dRemovErr = -25, /*tried to remove an open driver*/
dInstErr = -26 /*DrvrInstall couldn’t find driver in resources*/

abortErr = -27, /*IO call aborted by KillIO*/
iIOAbortErr = -27, /*IO abort error (Printing Manager)*/
notOpenErr = -28, /*Couldn’t rd/wr/ctl/sts cause driver not opened*/
unitTblFullErr = -29, /*unit table has no more entries*/
dceExtErr = -30, /*dce extension error*/
slotNumErr = -360, /*invalid slot # error*/
gcrOnMFMErr = -400, /*gcr format on high density media error*/
dirFulErr = -33, /*Directory full*/
dskFulErr = -34, /*disk full*/
nsvErr = -35, /*no such volume*/
ioErr = -36, /*I/O error (bummers)*/
bdNamErr = -37, /* bad file name passed to routine; no bad names in the final system!*/
fnOpnErr = -38, /*File not open*/
eofErr = -39, /*End of file*/
posErr = -40, /*tried to position to before start of file (r/w)*/
mFulErr = -41, /*memory full (open) or file won’t fit (load)*/
tmfoErr = -42, /*too many files open*/
fnfErr = -43, /*File not found*/
wPrErr = -44, /*diskette is write protected.*/
fLckdErr = -45 /*file is locked*/

vLckdErr = -46, /*volume is locked*/
fBsyErr = -47, /*File is busy (delete)*/
dupFNErr = -48, /*duplicate filename (rename)*/
opWrErr = -49, /*file already open with with write permission*/
rfNumErr = -51, /*refnum error*/
gfpErr = -52, /*get file position error*/
volOffLinErr = -53, /*volume not on line error (was Ejected)*/
permErr = -54, /*permissions error (on file open)*/
volOnLinErr = -55, /*drive volume already on-line at MountVol*/
nsDrvErr = -56, /*no such drive (tried to mount a bad drive num)*/
noMacDskErr = -57, /*not a mac diskette (sig bytes are wrong)*/
extFSErr = -58, /*volume in question belongs to an external fs*/
fsRnErr = -59, /*file system internal error:during rename the old was deleted, restored.*/
badMDBErr = -60, /*bad master directory block*/
wrPermErr = -61, /*write permissions error*/
dirNFErr = -120, /*Directory not found*/
tmwdoErr = -121, /*No free WDCB available*/
badMovErr = -122, /*Move into offspring error*/
wrgVolTypErr = -123, /*Wrong volume type error [operation not supported for MFS]*/
volGoneErr = -124 /*Server volume has been disconnected.*/

fidNotFound = -1300, /*no file thread exists.*/
fidExists = -1301, /*file id already exists*/
notAFileErr = -1302, /*directory specified*/
diffVolErr = -1303, /*files on different volumes*/
catChangedErr = -1304, /*the catalog has been modified*/
desktopDamagedErr = -1305, /*desktop database files are corrupted*/
sameFileErr = -1306, /*can’t exchange a file with itself*/
badFidErr = -1307, /*file id is dangling or doesn’t match with the file number*/
notARemountErr = -1308, /*when _Mount allows only remounts and doesn’t get one*/
fileBoundsErr = -1309, /*file’s EOF, offset, mark or size is too big*/
fsDataTooBigErr = -1310, /*file or volume is too big for system*/
volVMBusyErr = -1311, /*can’t eject because volume is in use by VM*/
badFCBErr = -1327, /*FCBRecPtr is not valid*/
errFSUnknownCall = -1400, /* selector is not recognized by this filesystem */
errFSBadFSRef = -1401, /* FSRef parameter is bad */
errFSBadForkName = -1402, /* Fork name parameter is bad */
errFSBadBuffer = -1403, /* A buffer parameter was bad */
errFSBadForkRef = -1404, /* A ForkRefNum parameter was bad */
errFSBadInfoBitmap = -1405, /* A CatalogInfoBitmap or VolumeInfoBitmap has reserved or invalid bits*/
errFSMissingCatInfo = -1406, /* A CatalogInfo parameter was NULL */
errFSNotAFolder = -1407, /* Expected a folder, got a file */
errFSForkNotFound = -1409, /* Named fork does not exist */
errFSNameTooLong = -1410, /* File/fork name is too long to create/rename */
errFSMissingName = -1411, /* A Unicode name parameter was NULL or nameLength parameter was zero */
errFSBadPosMode = -1412, /* Newline bits set in positionMode */
errFSBadAllocFlags = -1413, /* Invalid bits set in allocationFlags */
errFSNoMoreItems = -1417, /* Iteration ran out of items to return */
errFSBadItemCount = -1418, /* maximumItems was zero */
errFSBadSearchParams = -1419, /* Something wrong with CatalogSearch searchParams */
errFSRefsDifferent = -1420, /* FSCompareFSRefs; refs are for different objects */
errFSForkExists = -1421, /* Named fork already exists. */
errFSBadIteratorFlags = -1422, /* Flags passed to FSOpenIterator are bad */
errFSIteratorNotFound = -1423, /* Passed FSIterator is not an open iterator */
errFSIteratorNotSupported = -1424, /* The iterator’s flags or container are not supported by this call */
errFSQuotaExceeded = -1425, /* The user’s quota of disk blocks has been exhausted. */
errFSOperationNotSupported = -1426, /* The attempted operation is not supported */
errFSAttributeNotFound = -1427, /* The requested attribute does not exist */
errFSPropertyNotValid = -1428, /* The requested property is not valid (has not been set yet) */
errFSNotEnoughSpaceForOperation = -1429, /* There is not enough disk space to perform the requested operation */
envNotPresent = -5500, /*returned by glue.*/
envBadVers = -5501, /*Version non-positive*/
envVersTooBig = -5502, /*Version bigger than call can handle*/
fontDecError = -64, /*error during font declaration*/
fontNotDeclared = -65, /*font not declared*/
fontSubErr = -66, /*font substitution occurred*/
fontNotOutlineErr = -32615, /*bitmap font passed to routine that does outlines only*/
firstDskErr = -84, /*I/O System Errors*/
lastDskErr = -64, /*I/O System Errors*/
noDriveErr = -64, /*drive not installed*/
offLinErr = -65, /*r/w requested for an off-line drive*/
noNybErr = -66 /*couldn’t find 5 nybbles in 200 tries*/

noAdrMkErr = -67, /*couldn’t find valid addr mark*/
dataVerErr = -68, /*read verify compare failed*/
badCksmErr = -69, /*addr mark checksum didn’t check*/
badBtSlpErr = -70, /*bad addr mark bit slip nibbles*/
noDtaMkErr = -71, /*couldn’t find a data mark header*/
badDCksum = -72, /*bad data mark checksum*/
badDBtSlp = -73, /*bad data mark bit slip nibbles*/
wrUnderrun = -74, /*write underrun occurred*/
cantStepErr = -75, /*step handshake failed*/
tk0BadErr = -76, /*track 0 detect doesn’t change*/
initIWMErr = -77, /*unable to initialize IWM*/
twoSideErr = -78, /*tried to read 2nd side on a 1-sided drive*/
spdAdjErr = -79, /*unable to correctly adjust disk speed*/
seekErr = -80, /*track number wrong on address mark*/
sectNFErr = -81, /*sector number never found on a track*/
fmt1Err = -82, /*can’t find sector 0 after track format*/
fmt2Err = -83, /*can’t get enough sync*/
verErr = -84, /*track failed to verify*/
clkRdErr = -85, /*unable to read same clock value twice*/
clkWrErr = -86, /*time written did not verify*/
prWrErr = -87, /*parameter ram written didn’t read-verify*/
prInitErr = -88, /*InitUtil found the parameter ram uninitialized*/
rcvrErr = -89, /*SCC receiver error (framing; parity; OR)*/
breakRecd = -90 /*Break received (SCC)*/

Scrap Manager error codes
noScrapErr = -100, /*No scrap exists error*/
noTypeErr = -102 /*No object of that type in scrap*/

ENET error codes
eLenErr = -92, /*Length error ddpLenErr*/
eMultiErr = -91 /*Multicast address error ddpSktErr*/

ddpSktErr = -91, /*error in soket number*/
ddpLenErr = -92, /*data length too big*/
noBridgeErr = -93, /*no network bridge for non-local send*/
lapProtErr = -94, /*error in attaching/detaching protocol*/
excessCollsns = -95, /*excessive collisions on write*/
portNotPwr = -96, /*serial port not currently powered*/
portInUse = -97, /*driver Open error code (port is in use)*/
portNotCf = -98 /*driver Open error code (parameter RAM not configured for this connection)*/

ColorSync Error codes
cmProfileError = -170,
cmMethodError = -171,
cmMethodNotFound = -175, /* CMM not present */
cmProfileNotFound = -176, /* Responder error */
cmProfilesIdentical = -177, /* Profiles the same */
cmCantConcatenateError = -178, /* Profile can’t be concatenated */
cmCantXYZ = -179, /* CMM cant handle XYZ space */
cmCantDeleteProfile = -180, /* Responder error */
cmUnsupportedDataType = -181, /* Responder error */
cmNoCurrentProfile = -182 /* Responder error */

These errors are logged in the vendor status field of the sInfo record.
svTempDisable = -32768L, /*Temporarily disable card but run primary init.*/
svDisabled = -32640, /*Reserve range -32640 to -32768 for Apple temp disables.*/
smBadRefId = -330, /*Reference Id not found in List*/
smBadsList = -331, /*Bad sList: Id1 < Id2 < Id3 …format is not followed.*/
smReservedErr = -332, /*Reserved field not zero*/
smCodeRevErr = -333 /*Code revision is wrong*/

smCPUErr = -334, /*Code revision is wrong*/
smsPointerNil = -335, /*LPointer is nil From sOffsetData. Check sInfo rec for more information.*/
smNilsBlockErr = -336, /*Nil sBlock error (Don’t allocate and try to use a nil sBlock)*/
smSlotOOBErr = -337, /*Slot out of bounds error*/
smSelOOBErr = -338, /*Selector out of bounds error*/
smNewPErr = -339, /*_NewPtr error*/
smBlkMoveErr = -340, /*_BlockMove error*/
smCkStatusErr = -341, /*Status of slot = fail.*/
smGetDrvrNamErr = -342, /*Error occurred during _sGetDrvrName.*/
smDisDrvrNamErr = -343, /*Error occurred during _sDisDrvrName.*/
smNoMoresRsrcs = -344, /*No more sResources*/
smsGetDrvrErr = -345, /*Error occurred during _sGetDriver.*/
smBadsPtrErr = -346, /*Bad pointer was passed to sCalcsPointer*/
smByteLanesErr = -347, /*NumByteLanes was determined to be zero.*/
smOffsetErr = -348, /*Offset was too big (temporary error*/
smNoGoodOpens = -349, /*No opens were successfull in the loop.*/
smSRTOvrFlErr = -350, /*SRT over flow.*/
smRecNotFnd = -351 /*Record not found in the SRT.*/

Error codes from FSM functions
fsmFFSNotFoundErr = -431, /* Foreign File system does not exist – new Pack2 could return this error too
fsmBusyFFSErr = -432, /* File system is busy, cannot be removed */
fsmBadFFSNameErr = -433, /* Name length not 1 <= length <= 31 */
fsmBadFSDLenErr = -434, /* FSD size incompatible with current FSM vers */
fsmDuplicateFSIDErr = -435, /* FSID already exists on InstallFS */
fsmBadFSDVersionErr = -436, /* FSM version incompatible with FSD */
fsmNoAlternateStackErr = -437, /* no alternate stack for HFS CI */
fsmUnknownFSMMessageErr = -438 /* unknown message passed to FSM */

Edition Mgr errors
editionMgrInitErr = -450, /*edition manager not inited by this app*/
badSectionErr = -451, /*not a valid SectionRecord*/
notRegisteredSectionErr = -452, /*not a registered SectionRecord*/
badEditionFileErr = -453, /*edition file is corrupt*/
badSubPartErr = -454, /*can not use sub parts in this release*/
multiplePublisherWrn = -460, /*A Publisher is already registered for that container*/
containerNotFoundWrn = -461, /*could not find editionContainer at this time*/
containerAlreadyOpenWrn = -462, /*container already opened by this section*/
notThePublisherWrn = -463 /*not the first registered publisher for that container*/

teScrapSizeErr = -501, /*scrap item too big for text edit record*/
hwParamErr = -502, /*bad selector for _HWPriv*/
driverHardwareGoneErr = -503 /*disk driver’s hardware was disconnected*/

ADSP Error Codes
/* driver control ioResults */
errRefNum = -1280, /* bad connection refNum */
errAborted = -1279, /* control call was aborted */
errState = -1278, /* bad connection state for this operation */
errOpening = -1277, /* open connection request failed */
errAttention = -1276, /* attention message too long */
errFwdReset = -1275, /* read terminated by forward reset */
errDSPQueueSize = -1274, /* DSP Read/Write Queue Too small */
errOpenDenied = -1273 /* open connection request was denied */

PPC errors
notInitErr = -900, /*PPCToolBox not initialized*/
nameTypeErr = -902, /*Invalid or inappropriate locationKindSelector in locationName*/
noPortErr = -903, /*Unable to open port or bad portRefNum. If you’re calling */
/* AESend, this is because your application does not have */
/* the isHighLevelEventAware bit set in your SIZE resource. */
noGlobalsErr = -904, /*The system is hosed, better re-boot*/
localOnlyErr = -905, /*Network activity is currently disabled*/
destPortErr = -906, /*Port does not exist at destination*/
sessTableErr = -907, /*Out of session tables, try again later*/
noSessionErr = -908, /*Invalid session reference number*/
badReqErr = -909, /*bad parameter or invalid state for operation*/
portNameExistsErr = -910, /*port is already open (perhaps in another app)*/
noUserNameErr = -911, /*user name unknown on destination machine*/
userRejectErr = -912, /*Destination rejected the session request*/
noMachineNameErr = -913, /*user hasn’t named his Macintosh in the Network Setup Control Panel*/
noToolboxNameErr = -914, /*A system resource is missing, not too likely*/
noResponseErr = -915, /*unable to contact destination*/
portClosedErr = -916, /*port was closed*/
sessClosedErr = -917, /*session was closed*/
badPortNameErr = -919, /*PPCPortRec malformed*/
noDefaultUserErr = -922, /*user hasn’t typed in owners name in Network Setup Control Pannel*/
notLoggedInErr = -923, /*The default userRefNum does not yet exist*/
noUserRefErr = -924, /*unable to create a new userRefNum*/
networkErr = -925, /*An error has occurred in the network, not too likely*/
noInformErr = -926, /*PPCStart failed because destination did not have inform pending*/
authFailErr = -927, /*unable to authenticate user at destination*/
noUserRecErr = -928, /*Invalid user reference number*/
badServiceMethodErr = -930, /*illegal service type, or not supported*/
badLocNameErr = -931, /*location name malformed*/
guestNotAllowedErr = -932 /*destination port requires authentication*/

Mixed Mode error codes
mmInternalError = -2526

Icon Services error codes
invalidIconRefErr = -2580, /* The icon ref is not valid */
noSuchIconErr = -2581, /* The requested icon could not be found */
noIconDataAvailableErr = -2582 /* The necessary icon data is not available */

Error & status codes for general text and text encoding conversion: general text errors
kTextUnsupportedEncodingErr = -8738, /* specified encoding not supported for this operation*/
kTextMalformedInputErr = -8739, /* in DBCS, for example, high byte followed by invalid low byte*/
kTextUndefinedElementErr = -8740, /* text conversion errors*/
kTECMissingTableErr = -8745,
kTECTableChecksumErr = -8746,
kTECTableFormatErr = -8747,
kTECCorruptConverterErr = -8748, /* invalid converter object reference*/
kTECNoConversionPathErr = -8749,
kTECBufferBelowMinimumSizeErr = -8750, /* output buffer too small to allow processing of first input text element*/
kTECArrayFullErr = -8751, /* name buffer or TextRun, TextEncoding, or UnicodeMapping array is too small*/
kTECBadTextRunErr = -8752,
kTECPartialCharErr = -8753, /* input buffer ends in the middle of a multibyte character, conversion stopped*/
kTECUnmappableElementErr = -8754,
kTECIncompleteElementErr = -8755, /* text element may be incomplete or is too long for internal buffers*/
kTECDirectionErr = -8756, /* direction stack overflow, etc.*/
kTECGlobalsUnavailableErr = -8770, /* globals have already been deallocated (premature TERM)*/
kTECItemUnavailableErr = -8771, /* item (e.g. name) not available for specified region (& encoding if relevant)*/
/* text conversion status codes*/
kTECUsedFallbacksStatus = -8783,
kTECNeedFlushStatus = -8784,
kTECOutputBufferFullStatus = -8785, /* output buffer has no room for conversion of next input text element (partial conversion)*/

Deprecated error & status codes for low-level converter
unicodeChecksumErr = -8769,
unicodeNoTableErr = -8768,
unicodeVariantErr = -8767,
unicodeFallbacksErr = -8766,
unicodePartConvertErr = -8765,
unicodeBufErr = -8764,
unicodeCharErr = -8763,
unicodeElementErr = -8762,
unicodeNotFoundErr = -8761,
unicodeTableFormatErr = -8760,
unicodeDirectionErr = -8759,
unicodeContextualErr = -8758,
unicodeTextEncodingDataErr = -8757

UTCUtils Status Codes
kUTCUnderflowErr = -8850,
kUTCOverflowErr = -8851,
kIllegalClockValueErr = -8852

TELErr Error codes
telGenericError = -1,
telNoErr = 0,
telNoTools = 8, /* no telephone tools found in extension folder */
telBadTermErr = -10001, /* invalid TELHandle or handle not found*/
telBadDNErr = -10002, /* TELDNHandle not found or invalid */
telBadCAErr = -10003, /* TELCAHandle not found or invalid */
telBadHandErr = -10004, /* bad handle specified */
telBadProcErr = -10005, /* bad msgProc specified */
telCAUnavail = -10006, /* a CA is not available */
telNoMemErr = -10007, /* no memory to allocate handle */
telNoOpenErr = -10008, /* unable to open terminal */
telBadHTypeErr = -10010, /* bad hook type specified */
telHTypeNotSupp = -10011, /* hook type not supported by this tool */
telBadLevelErr = -10012, /* bad volume level setting */
telBadVTypeErr = -10013, /* bad volume type error */
telVTypeNotSupp = -10014, /* volume type not supported by this tool*/
telBadAPattErr = -10015, /* bad alerting pattern specified */
telAPattNotSupp = -10016, /* alerting pattern not supported by tool*/
telBadIndex = -10017, /* bad index specified */
telIndexNotSupp = -10018, /* index not supported by this tool */
telBadStateErr = -10019, /* bad device state specified */
telStateNotSupp = -10020, /* device state not supported by tool */
telBadIntExt = -10021, /* bad internal external error */
telIntExtNotSupp = -10022, /* internal external type not supported by this tool */
telBadDNDType = -10023, /* bad DND type specified */
telDNDTypeNotSupp = -10024, /* DND type is not supported by this tool */
telFeatNotSub = -10030, /* feature not subscribed */
telFeatNotAvail = -10031, /* feature subscribed but not available */
telFeatActive = -10032, /* feature already active */
telFeatNotSupp = -10033, /* feature program call not supported by this tool */
telConfLimitErr = -10040, /* limit specified is too high for this configuration */
telConfNoLimit = -10041, /* no limit was specified but required*/
telConfErr = -10042, /* conference was not prepared */
telConfRej = -10043, /* conference request was rejected */
telTransferErr = -10044, /* transfer not prepared */
telTransferRej = -10045, /* transfer request rejected */
telCBErr = -10046, /* call back feature not set previously */
telConfLimitExceeded = -10047, /* attempt to exceed switch conference limits */
telBadDNType = -10050, /* DN type invalid */
telBadPageID = -10051, /* bad page ID specified*/
telBadIntercomID = -10052, /* bad intercom ID specified */
telBadFeatureID = -10053, /* bad feature ID specified */
telBadFwdType = -10054, /* bad fwdType specified */
telBadPickupGroupID = -10055, /* bad pickup group ID specified */
telBadParkID = -10056, /* bad park id specified */
telBadSelect = -10057, /* unable to select or deselect DN */
telBadBearerType = -10058, /* bad bearerType specified */
telBadRate = -10059, /* bad rate specified */
telDNTypeNotSupp = -10060, /* DN type not supported by tool */
telFwdTypeNotSupp = -10061, /* forward type not supported by tool */
telBadDisplayMode = -10062, /* bad display mode specified */
telDisplayModeNotSupp = -10063, /* display mode not supported by tool */
telNoCallbackRef = -10064, /* no call back reference was specified, but is required */
telAlreadyOpen = -10070, /* terminal already open */
telStillNeeded = -10071, /* terminal driver still needed by someone else */
telTermNotOpen = -10072, /* terminal not opened via TELOpenTerm */
telCANotAcceptable = -10080, /* CA not “acceptable” */
telCANotRejectable = -10081, /* CA not “rejectable” */
telCANotDeflectable = -10082, /* CA not “deflectable” */
telPBErr = -10090, /* parameter block error, bad format */
telBadFunction = -10091, /* bad msgCode specified */
/* telNoTools = -10101, unable to find any telephone tools */
telNoSuchTool = -10102, /* unable to find tool with name specified */
telUnknownErr = -10103, /* unable to set config */
telNoCommFolder = -10106, /* Communications/Extensions ? not found */
telInitFailed = -10107, /* initialization failed */
telBadCodeResource = -10108, /* code resource not found */
telDeviceNotFound = -10109, /* device not found */
telBadProcID = -10110, /* invalid procID */
telValidateFailed = -10111, /* telValidate failed */
telAutoAnsNotOn = -10112, /* autoAnswer in not turned on */
telDetAlreadyOn = -10113, /* detection is already turned on */
telBadSWErr = -10114, /* Software not installed properly */
telBadSampleRate = -10115, /* incompatible sample rate */
telNotEnoughdspBW = -10116 /* not enough real-time for allocation */

errTaskNotFound = -10780 /* no task with that task id exists */

Error Codes for C++ Exceptions: C++ exceptions cannot be thrown across certain boundaries, for example, from an event handler back to the main application. You may use these error codes to communicate an exception through an API that only supports OSStatus error codes. Mac OS APIs will never generate these error codes; they are reserved for developer convenience only.
errCppGeneral = -32000,
errCppbad_alloc = -32001, /* thrown by new */
errCppbad_cast = -32002, /* thrown by dynamic_cast when fails with a referenced type */
errCppbad_exception = -32003, /* thrown when an exception doesn’t match any catch */
errCppbad_typeid = -32004, /* thrown by typeid */
errCpplogic_error = -32005,
errCppdomain_error = -32006,
errCppinvalid_argument = -32007,
errCpplength_error = -32008,
errCppout_of_range = -32009,
errCppruntime_error = -32010,
errCppoverflow_error = -32011,
errCpprange_error = -32012,
errCppunderflow_error = -32013,
errCppios_base_failure = -32014,
errCppLastSystemDefinedError = -32020,
errCppLastUserDefinedError = -32049 /* -32021 through -32049 are free for developer-defined exceptions*/

ComponentError codes
badComponentInstance = (int)0x80008001, /* when cast to an OSErr this is -32767*/
badComponentSelector = (int)0x80008002 /* when cast to an OSErr this is -32766*/
dsBusError = 1, /*bus error*/
dsAddressErr = 2, /*address error*/
dsIllInstErr = 3, /*illegal instruction error*/
dsZeroDivErr = 4, /*zero divide error*/
dsChkErr = 5, /*check trap error*/
dsOvflowErr = 6, /*overflow trap error*/
dsPrivErr = 7, /*privilege violation error*/
dsTraceErr = 8, /*trace mode error*/
dsLineAErr = 9, /*line 1010 trap error*/
dsLineFErr = 10, /*line 1111 trap error*/
dsMiscErr = 11, /*miscellaneous hardware exception error*/
dsCoreErr = 12, /*unimplemented core routine error*/
dsIrqErr = 13, /*uninstalled interrupt error*/
dsIOCoreErr = 14, /*IO Core Error*/
dsLoadErr = 15, /*Segment Loader Error*/
dsFPErr = 16, /*Floating point error*/
dsNoPackErr = 17, /*package 0 not present*/
dsNoPk1 = 18, /*package 1 not present*/
dsNoPk2 = 19 /*package 2 not present*/
dsNoPk3 = 20, /*package 3 not present*/
dsNoPk4 = 21, /*package 4 not present*/
dsNoPk5 = 22, /*package 5 not present*/
dsNoPk6 = 23, /*package 6 not present*/
dsNoPk7 = 24, /*package 7 not present*/
dsMemFullErr = 25, /*out of memory!*/
dsBadLaunch = 26, /*can’t launch file*/
dsFSErr = 27, /*file system map has been trashed*/
dsStknHeap = 28, /*stack has moved into application heap*/
negZcbFreeErr = 33, /*ZcbFree has gone negative*/
dsFinderErr = 41, /*can’t load the Finder error*/
dsBadSlotInt = 51, /*unserviceable slot interrupt*/
dsBadSANEOpcode = 81, /*bad opcode given to SANE Pack4*/
dsBadPatchHeader = 83, /*SetTrapAddress saw the ?come-from? header*/
menuPrgErr = 84, /*happens when a menu is purged*/
dsMBarNFnd = 85, /*Menu Manager Errors*/
dsHMenuFindErr = 86, /*Menu Manager Errors*/
dsWDEFNotFound = 87, /*could not load WDEF*/
dsCDEFNotFound = 88, /*could not load CDEF*/
dsMDEFNotFound = 89 /*could not load MDEF*/
dsNoFPU = 90, /*an FPU instruction was executed and the machine doesn?t have one*/
dsNoPatch = 98, /*Can’t patch for particular Model Mac*/
dsBadPatch = 99, /*Can’t load patch resource*/
dsParityErr = 101, /*memory parity error*/
dsOldSystem = 102, /*System is too old for this ROM*/
ds32BitMode = 103, /*booting in 32-bit on a 24-bit sys*/
dsNeedToWriteBootBlocks = 104, /*need to write new boot blocks*/
dsNotEnoughRAMToBoot = 105, /*must have at least 1.5MB of RAM to boot 7.0*/
dsBufPtrTooLow = 106, /*bufPtr moved too far during boot*/
dsVMDeferredFuncTableFull = 112, /*VM’s DeferUserFn table is full*/
dsVMBadBackingStore = 113, /*Error occurred while reading or writing the VM backing-store file*/
dsCantHoldSystemHeap = 114, /*Unable to hold the system heap during boot*/
dsSystemRequiresPowerPC = 116, /*Startup disk requires PowerPC*/
dsGibblyMovedToDisabledFolder = 117, /* For debug builds only, signals that active gibbly was disabled during boot. */
dsUnBootableSystem = 118, /* Active system file will not boot on this system because it was designed only to boot from a CD. */
dsMustUseFCBAccessors = 119, /* FCBSPtr and FSFCBLen are invalid – must use FSM FCB accessor functions */
dsMacOSROMVersionTooOld = 120, /* The version of the “Mac OS ROM” file is too old to be used with the installed version of system software */
dsLostConnectionToNetworkDisk = 121, /* Lost communication with Netboot server */
dsRAMDiskTooBig = 122, /* The RAM disk is too big to boot safely; will be turned off */
dsWriteToSupervisorStackGuardPage = 128, /*the supervisor stack overflowed into its guard page */
dsReinsert = 30, /*request user to reinsert off-line volume*/
shutDownAlert = 42, /*handled like a shutdown error*/
dsShutDownOrRestart = 20000, /*user choice between ShutDown and Restart*/
dsSwitchOffOrRestart = 20001, /*user choice between switching off and Restart*/
dsForcedQuit = 20002, /*allow the user to ExitToShell, return if Cancel*/
dsRemoveDisk = 20003, /*request user to remove disk from manual eject drive*/
dsDirtyDisk = 20004, /*request user to return a manually-ejected dirty disk*/
dsShutDownOrResume = 20109, /*allow user to return to Finder or ShutDown*/
dsSCSIWarn = 20010, /*Portable SCSI adapter warning.*/
dsMBSysError = 29200, /*Media Bay replace warning.*/
dsMBFlpySysError = 29201, /*Media Bay, floppy replace warning.*/
dsMBATASysError = 29202, /*Media Bay, ATA replace warning.*/
dsMBATAPISysError = 29203, /*Media Bay, ATAPI replace warning…*/
dsMBExternFlpySysError = 29204, /*Media Bay, external floppy drive reconnect warning*/
dsPCCardATASysError = 29205 /*PCCard has been ejected while still in use. */

System Errors that are used after MacsBug is loaded to put up dialogs since these should not
cause MacsBug to stop, they must be in the range (30, 42, 16384-32767) negative numbers add
to an existing dialog without putting up a whole new dialog
dsNoExtsMacsBug = -1, /*not a SysErr, just a placeholder */
dsNoExtsDisassembler = -2, /*not a SysErr, just a placeholder */
dsMacsBugInstalled = -10, /*say ?MacsBug Installed?*/
dsDisassemblerInstalled = -11, /*say ?Disassembler Installed?*/
dsExtensionsDisabled = -13, /*say ?Extensions Disabled?*/
dsGreeting = 40, /*welcome to Macintosh greeting*/
dsSysErr = 32767, /*general system error*/

Old names here for compatibility sake
WDEFNFnd = dsWDEFNotFound
CDEFNFnd = dsCDEFNotFound,
dsNotThe1 = 31, /*not the disk I wanted*/
dsBadStartupDisk = 42, /*unable to mount boot volume (sad Mac only)*/
dsSystemFileErr = 43, /*can?t find System file to open (sad Mac only)*/
dsHD20Installed = -12, /*say ?HD20 Startup?*/
mBarNFnd = -126, /*system error code for MBDF not found*/
fsDSIntErr = -127, /*non-hardware Internal file system error*/
hMenuFindErr = -127, /*could not find HMenu’s parent in MenuKey (wrong error code – obsolete)*/
userBreak = -490, /*user debugger break*/
strUserBreak = -491, /*user debugger break; display string on stack*/
exUserBreak = -492 /*user debugger break; execute debugger commands on stack*/

DS Errors which are specific to the new runtime model introduced with PowerPC
dsBadLibrary = 1010, /* Bad shared library */
dsMixedModeFailure = 1011 /* Internal Mixed Mode Failure */

On Mac OS X, the range from 100,000 to 100,999 has been reserved for returning POSIX errno error values. Every POSIX errno value can be converted into a Mac OS X OSStatus value by adding kPOSIXErrorBase to the value of errno. They can’t be returned by anything which just returns OSErr since kPOSIXErrorBase is larger than the highest OSErr value.
kPOSIXErrorBase = 100000,
kPOSIXErrorEPERM = 100001, /* Operation not permitted */
kPOSIXErrorENOENT = 100002, /* No such file or directory */
kPOSIXErrorESRCH = 100003, /* No such process */
kPOSIXErrorEINTR = 100004, /* Interrupted system call */
kPOSIXErrorEIO = 100005, /* Input/output error */
kPOSIXErrorENXIO = 100006, /* Device not configured */
kPOSIXErrorE2BIG = 100007, /* Argument list too long */
kPOSIXErrorENOEXEC = 100008, /* Exec format error */
kPOSIXErrorEBADF = 100009, /* Bad file descriptor */
kPOSIXErrorECHILD = 100010, /* No child processes */
kPOSIXErrorEDEADLK = 100011, /* Resource deadlock avoided */
kPOSIXErrorENOMEM = 100012, /* Cannot allocate memory */
kPOSIXErrorEACCES = 100013, /* Permission denied */
kPOSIXErrorEFAULT = 100014, /* Bad address */
kPOSIXErrorENOTBLK = 100015, /* Block device required */
kPOSIXErrorEBUSY = 100016, /* Device busy */
kPOSIXErrorEEXIST = 100017, /* File exists */
kPOSIXErrorEXDEV = 100018, /* Cross-device link */
kPOSIXErrorENODEV = 100019, /* Operation not supported by device */
kPOSIXErrorENOTDIR = 100020, /* Not a directory */
kPOSIXErrorEISDIR = 100021, /* Is a directory */
kPOSIXErrorEINVAL = 100022, /* Invalid argument */
kPOSIXErrorENFILE = 100023, /* Too many open files in system */
kPOSIXErrorEMFILE = 100024, /* Too many open files */
kPOSIXErrorENOTTY = 100025, /* Inappropriate ioctl for device */
kPOSIXErrorETXTBSY = 100026, /* Text file busy */
kPOSIXErrorEFBIG = 100027, /* File too large */
kPOSIXErrorENOSPC = 100028, /* No space left on device */
kPOSIXErrorESPIPE = 100029, /* Illegal seek */
kPOSIXErrorEROFS = 100030, /* Read-only file system */
kPOSIXErrorEMLINK = 100031, /* Too many links */
kPOSIXErrorEPIPE = 100032, /* Broken pipe */
kPOSIXErrorEDOM = 100033, /* Numerical argument out of domain */
kPOSIXErrorERANGE = 100034, /* Result too large */
kPOSIXErrorEAGAIN = 100035, /* Resource temporarily unavailable */
kPOSIXErrorEINPROGRESS = 100036, /* Operation now in progress */
kPOSIXErrorEALREADY = 100037, /* Operation already in progress */
kPOSIXErrorENOTSOCK = 100038, /* Socket operation on non-socket */
kPOSIXErrorEDESTADDRREQ = 100039, /* Destination address required */
kPOSIXErrorEMSGSIZE = 100040, /* Message too long */
kPOSIXErrorEPROTOTYPE = 100041, /* Protocol wrong type for socket */
kPOSIXErrorENOPROTOOPT = 100042, /* Protocol not available */
kPOSIXErrorEPROTONOSUPPORT = 100043, /* Protocol not supported */
kPOSIXErrorESOCKTNOSUPPORT = 100044, /* Socket type not supported */
kPOSIXErrorENOTSUP = 100045, /* Operation not supported */
kPOSIXErrorEPFNOSUPPORT = 100046, /* Protocol family not supported */
kPOSIXErrorEAFNOSUPPORT = 100047, /* Address family not supported by protocol family */
kPOSIXErrorEADDRINUSE = 100048, /* Address already in use */
kPOSIXErrorEADDRNOTAVAIL = 100049, /* Can’t assign requested address */
kPOSIXErrorENETDOWN = 100050, /* Network is down */
kPOSIXErrorENETUNREACH = 100051, /* Network is unreachable */
kPOSIXErrorENETRESET = 100052, /* Network dropped connection on reset */
kPOSIXErrorECONNABORTED = 100053, /* Software caused connection abort */
kPOSIXErrorECONNRESET = 100054, /* Connection reset by peer */
kPOSIXErrorENOBUFS = 100055, /* No buffer space available */
kPOSIXErrorEISCONN = 100056, /* Socket is already connected */
kPOSIXErrorENOTCONN = 100057, /* Socket is not connected */
kPOSIXErrorESHUTDOWN = 100058, /* Can’t send after socket shutdown */
kPOSIXErrorETOOMANYREFS = 100059, /* Too many references: can’t splice */
kPOSIXErrorETIMEDOUT = 100060, /* Operation timed out */
kPOSIXErrorECONNREFUSED = 100061, /* Connection refused */
kPOSIXErrorELOOP = 100062, /* Too many levels of symbolic links */
kPOSIXErrorENAMETOOLONG = 100063, /* File name too long */
kPOSIXErrorEHOSTDOWN = 100064, /* Host is down */
kPOSIXErrorEHOSTUNREACH = 100065, /* No route to host */
kPOSIXErrorENOTEMPTY = 100066, /* Directory not empty */
kPOSIXErrorEPROCLIM = 100067, /* Too many processes */
kPOSIXErrorEUSERS = 100068, /* Too many users */
kPOSIXErrorEDQUOT = 100069, /* Disc quota exceeded */
kPOSIXErrorESTALE = 100070, /* Stale NFS file handle */
kPOSIXErrorEREMOTE = 100071, /* Too many levels of remote in path */
kPOSIXErrorEBADRPC = 100072, /* RPC struct is bad */
kPOSIXErrorERPCMISMATCH = 100073, /* RPC version wrong */
kPOSIXErrorEPROGUNAVAIL = 100074, /* RPC prog. not avail */
kPOSIXErrorEPROGMISMATCH = 100075, /* Program version wrong */
kPOSIXErrorEPROCUNAVAIL = 100076, /* Bad procedure for program */
kPOSIXErrorENOLCK = 100077, /* No locks available */
kPOSIXErrorENOSYS = 100078, /* Function not implemented */
kPOSIXErrorEFTYPE = 100079, /* Inappropriate file type or format */
kPOSIXErrorEAUTH = 100080, /* Authentication error */
kPOSIXErrorENEEDAUTH = 100081, /* Need authenticator */
kPOSIXErrorEPWROFF = 100082, /* Device power is off */
kPOSIXErrorEDEVERR = 100083, /* Device error, e.g. paper out */
kPOSIXErrorEOVERFLOW = 100084, /* Value too large to be stored in data type */
kPOSIXErrorEBADEXEC = 100085, /* Bad executable */
kPOSIXErrorEBADARCH = 100086, /* Bad CPU type in executable */
kPOSIXErrorESHLIBVERS = 100087, /* Shared library version mismatch */
kPOSIXErrorEBADMACHO = 100088, /* Malformed Macho file */
kPOSIXErrorECANCELED = 100089, /* Operation canceled */
kPOSIXErrorEIDRM = 100090, /* Identifier removed */
kPOSIXErrorENOMSG = 100091, /* No message of desired type */
kPOSIXErrorEILSEQ = 100092, /* Illegal byte sequence */
kPOSIXErrorENOATTR = 100093, /* Attribute not found */
kPOSIXErrorEBADMSG = 100094, /* Bad message */
kPOSIXErrorEMULTIHOP = 100095, /* Reserved */
kPOSIXErrorENODATA = 100096, /* No message available on STREAM */
kPOSIXErrorENOLINK = 100097, /* Reserved */
kPOSIXErrorENOSR = 100098, /* No STREAM resources */
kPOSIXErrorENOSTR = 100099, /* Not a STREAM */
kPOSIXErrorEPROTO = 100100, /* Protocol error */
kPOSIXErrorETIME = 100101, /* STREAM ioctl timeout */
kPOSIXErrorEOPNOTSUPP = 100102 /* Operation not supported on socket */

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