Manager Errors for macOS

Mac OS X Manager ErrorsList of Manager Errors For Mac

Hello everyone, how are you all doing today? I hope you are all having a great day so far. My Saturday evening is going quiet good, I just watched the trailer for the Batman vs Superman movie and it was amazing, anyway read on.

Today we will focus on Manager errors including Memory errors, Midi errors, Dictionary errors & Speech errors. Common theme on this page is all of these errors are grouped under ‘Managers’. Have a look at the list below, if we missed any error codes, please leave a comment or contact us and we can add/make any changes, thanks.

Memory Manager errors

memROZWarn = -99, /*soft error in ROZ*/
memROZError = -99, /*hard error in ROZ*/
memROZErr = -99, /*hard error in ROZ*/
memFullErr = -108, /*Not enough room in heap zone*/
nilHandleErr = -109, /*Master Pointer was NIL in HandleZone or other*/
memWZErr = -111, /*WhichZone failed (applied to free block)*/
memPurErr = -112, /*trying to purge a locked or non-purgeable block*/
memAdrErr = -110, /*address was odd; or out of range*/
memAZErr = -113, /*Address in zone check failed*/
memPCErr = -114, /*Pointer Check failed*/
memBCErr = -115, /*Block Check failed*/
memSCErr = -116, /*Size Check failed*/
memLockedErr = -117 /*trying to move a locked block (MoveHHi)*/

Speech Manager errors

noSynthFound = -240,
synthOpenFailed = -241,
synthNotReady = -242,
bufTooSmall = -243,
voiceNotFound = -244,
incompatibleVoice = -245,
badDictFormat = -246,
badInputText = -247

Midi Manager Errors

midiNoClientErr = -250, /*no client with that ID found*/
midiNoPortErr = -251, /*no port with that ID found*/
midiTooManyPortsErr = -252, /*too many ports already installed in the system*/
midiTooManyConsErr = -253, /*too many connections made*/
midiVConnectErr = -254, /*pending virtual connection created*/
midiVConnectMade = -255, /*pending virtual connection resolved*/
midiVConnectRmvd = -256, /*pending virtual connection removed*/
midiNoConErr = -257, /*no connection exists between specified ports*/
midiWriteErr = -258, /*MIDIWritePacket couldn’t write to all connected ports*/
midiNameLenErr = -259, /*name supplied is longer than 31 characters*/
midiDupIDErr = -260, /*duplicate client ID*/
midiInvalidCmdErr = -261 /*command not supported for port type*/

nmTypErr = -299 /*Notification Manager:wrong queue type*/

siInitSDTblErr = 1, /*slot int dispatch table could not be initialized.*/
siInitVBLQsErr = 2, /*VBLqueues for all slots could not be initialized.*/
siInitSPTblErr = 3, /*slot priority table could not be initialized.*/
sdmJTInitErr = 10, /*SDM Jump Table could not be initialized.*/
sdmInitErr = 11, /*SDM could not be initialized.*/
sdmSRTInitErr = 12, /*Slot Resource Table could not be initialized.*/
sdmPRAMInitErr = 13, /*Slot PRAM could not be initialized.*/
sdmPriInitErr = 14 /*Cards could not be initialized.*/

smSDMInitErr = -290, /*Error; SDM could not be initialized.*/
smSRTInitErr = -291, /*Error; Slot Resource Table could not be initialized.*/
smPRAMInitErr = -292, /*Error; Slot Resource Table could not be initialized.*/
smPriInitErr = -293, /*Error; Cards could not be initialized.*/
smEmptySlot = -300, /*No card in slot*/
smCRCFail = -301, /*CRC check failed for declaration data*/
smFormatErr = -302, /*FHeader Format is not Apple’s*/
smRevisionErr = -303, /*Wrong revison level*/
smNoDir = -304, /*Directory offset is Nil*/
smDisabledSlot = -305, /*This slot is disabled (-305 use to be smLWTstBad)*/
smNosInfoArray = -306 /*No sInfoArray. Memory Mgr error.*/

smResrvErr = -307, /*Fatal reserved error. Resreved field <> 0.*/
smUnExBusErr = -308, /*Unexpected BusError*/
smBLFieldBad = -309, /*ByteLanes field was bad.*/
smFHBlockRdErr = -310, /*Error occurred during _sGetFHeader.*/
smFHBlkDispErr = -311, /*Error occurred during _sDisposePtr (Dispose of FHeader block).*/
smDisposePErr = -312, /*_DisposePointer error*/
smNoBoardSRsrc = -313, /*No Board sResource.*/
smGetPRErr = -314, /*Error occurred during _sGetPRAMRec (See SIMStatus).*/
smNoBoardId = -315, /*No Board Id.*/
smInitStatVErr = -316, /*The InitStatusV field was negative after primary or secondary init.*/
smInitTblVErr = -317, /*An error occurred while trying to initialize the Slot Resource Table.*/
smNoJmpTbl = -318, /*SDM jump table could not be created.*/
smReservedSlot = -318, /*slot is reserved, VM should not use this address space.*/
smBadBoardId = -319, /*BoardId was wrong; re-init the PRAM record.*/
smBusErrTO = -320, /*BusError time out.*/

These errors are logged in the vendor status field of the sInfo record.
svTempDisable = -32768L, /*Temporarily disable card but run primary init.*/
svDisabled = -32640, /*Reserve range -32640 to -32768 for Apple temp disables.*/
smBadRefId = -330, /*Reference Id not found in List*/
smBadsList = -331, /*Bad sList: Id1 < Id2 < Id3 …format is not followed.*/
smReservedErr = -332, /*Reserved field not zero*/
smCodeRevErr = -333 /*Code revision is wrong*/

smCPUErr = -334, /*Code revision is wrong*/
smsPointerNil = -335, /*LPointer is nil From sOffsetData. Check sInfo rec for more information.*/
smNilsBlockErr = -336, /*Nil sBlock error (Don’t allocate and try to use a nil sBlock)*/
smSlotOOBErr = -337, /*Slot out of bounds error*/
smSelOOBErr = -338, /*Selector out of bounds error*/
smNewPErr = -339, /*_NewPtr error*/
smBlkMoveErr = -340, /*_BlockMove error*/
smCkStatusErr = -341, /*Status of slot = fail.*/
smGetDrvrNamErr = -342, /*Error occurred during _sGetDrvrName.*/
smDisDrvrNamErr = -343, /*Error occurred during _sDisDrvrName.*/
smNoMoresRsrcs = -344, /*No more sResources*/
smsGetDrvrErr = -345, /*Error occurred during _sGetDriver.*/
smBadsPtrErr = -346, /*Bad pointer was passed to sCalcsPointer*/
smByteLanesErr = -347, /*NumByteLanes was determined to be zero.*/
smOffsetErr = -348, /*Offset was too big (temporary error*/
smNoGoodOpens = -349, /*No opens were successfull in the loop.*/
smSRTOvrFlErr = -350, /*SRT over flow.*/
smRecNotFnd = -351 /*Record not found in the SRT.*/

Dictionary Manager errors

notBTree = -410, /*The file is not a dictionary.*/
btNoSpace = -413, /*Can’t allocate disk space.*/
btDupRecErr = -414, /*Record already exists.*/
btRecNotFnd = -415, /*Record cannot be found.*/
btKeyLenErr = -416, /*Maximum key length is too long or equal to zero.*/
btKeyAttrErr = -417, /*There is no such a key attribute.*/
unknownInsertModeErr = -20000, /*There is no such an insert mode.*/
recordDataTooBigErr = -20001, /*The record data is bigger than buffer size (1024 bytes).*/
invalidIndexErr = -20002 /*The recordIndex parameter is not valid.*/

Process Manager errors

procNotFound = -600, /*no eligible process with specified descriptor*/
memFragErr = -601, /*not enough room to launch app w/special requirements*/
appModeErr = -602, /*memory mode is 32-bit, but app not 32-bit clean*/
protocolErr = -603, /*app made module calls in improper order*/
hardwareConfigErr = -604, /*hardware configuration not correct for call*/
appMemFullErr = -605, /*application SIZE not big enough for launch*/
appIsDaemon = -606, /*app is BG-only, and launch flags disallow this*/
bufferIsSmall = -607, /*error returns from Post and Accept */
noOutstandingHLE = -608,
connectionInvalid = -609,
noUserInteractionAllowed = -610 /* no user interaction allowed */

More Process Manager errors

wrongApplicationPlatform = -875, /* Application could not launch because the platform is not available */
appVersionTooOld = -876, /* The application’s creator and version are incompatible with the current version of Mac OS. */
notAppropriateForClassic = -877 /* This application won’t or shouldn’t run on Classic (Problem 2481058).

Thread Manager Error Codes

threadTooManyReqsErr = -617,
threadNotFoundErr = -618,
threadProtocolErr = -619
threadBadAppContextErr = -616

Apple event manager error messages

errAECoercionFail = -1700, /* bad parameter data or unable to coerce the data supplied */
errAEDescNotFound = -1701,
errAECorruptData = -1702,
errAEWrongDataType = -1703,
errAENotAEDesc = -1704,
errAEBadListItem = -1705, /* the specified list item does not exist */
errAENewerVersion = -1706, /* need newer version of the AppleEvent manager */
errAENotAppleEvent = -1707, /* the event is not in AppleEvent format */
errAEEventNotHandled = -1708, /* the AppleEvent was not handled by any handler */
errAEReplyNotValid = -1709, /* AEResetTimer was passed an invalid reply parameter */
errAEUnknownSendMode = -1710, /* mode wasn’t NoReply, WaitReply, or QueueReply or Interaction level is unknown */
errAEWaitCanceled = -1711, /* in AESend, the user cancelled out of wait loop for reply or receipt */
errAETimeout = -1712, /* the AppleEvent timed out */
errAENoUserInteraction = -1713, /* no user interaction is allowed */
errAENotASpecialFunction = -1714, /* there is no special function for/with this keyword */
errAEParamMissed = -1715, /* a required parameter was not accessed */
errAEUnknownAddressType = -1716, /* the target address type is not known */
errAEHandlerNotFound = -1717, /* no handler in the dispatch tables fits the parameters to AEGetEventHandler or AEGetCoercionHandler */
errAEReplyNotArrived = -1718, /* the contents of the reply you are accessing have not arrived yet */
errAEIllegalIndex = -1719, /* index is out of range in a put operation */
errAEImpossibleRange = -1720, /* A range like 3rd to 2nd, or 1st to all. */
errAEWrongNumberArgs = -1721, /* Logical op kAENOT used with other than 1 term */
errAEAccessorNotFound = -1723, /* Accessor proc matching wantClass and containerType or wildcards not found */
errAENoSuchLogical = -1725, /* Something other than AND, OR, or NOT */
errAEBadTestKey = -1726, /* Test is neither typeLogicalDescriptor nor typeCompDescriptor */
errAENotAnObjSpec = -1727, /* Param to AEResolve not of type ‘obj ‘ */
errAENoSuchObject = -1728, /* e.g.,: specifier asked for the 3rd, but there are only 2. Basically, this indicates a run-time resolution error. */
errAENegativeCount = -1729, /* CountProc returned negative value */
errAEEmptyListContainer = -1730, /* Attempt to pass empty list as container to accessor */
errAEUnknownObjectType = -1731, /* available only in version 1.0.1 or greater */
errAERecordingIsAlreadyOn = -1732, /* available only in version 1.0.1 or greater */
errAEReceiveTerminate = -1733, /* break out of all levels of AEReceive to the topmost (1.1 or greater) */
errAEReceiveEscapeCurrent = -1734, /* break out of only lowest level of AEReceive (1.1 or greater) */
errAEEventFiltered = -1735, /* event has been filtered, and should not be propogated (1.1 or greater) */
errAEDuplicateHandler = -1736, /* attempt to install handler in table for identical class and id (1.1 or greater) */
errAEStreamBadNesting = -1737, /* nesting violation while streaming */
errAEStreamAlreadyConverted = -1738, /* attempt to convert a stream that has already been converted */
errAEDescIsNull = -1739, /* attempting to perform an invalid operation on a null descriptor */
errAEBuildSyntaxError = -1740, /* AEBuildDesc and friends detected a syntax error */
errAEBufferTooSmall = -1741 /* buffer for AEFlattenDesc too small */
errOSASystemError = -1750,
errOSAInvalidID = -1751,
errOSABadStorageType = -1752,
errOSAScriptError = -1753,
errOSABadSelector = -1754,
errOSASourceNotAvailable = -1756,
errOSANoSuchDialect = -1757,
errOSADataFormatObsolete = -1758,
errOSADataFormatTooNew = -1759,
errOSACorruptData = errAECorruptData,
errOSARecordingIsAlreadyOn = errAERecordingIsAlreadyOn,
errOSAComponentMismatch = -1761, /* Parameters are from 2 different components */
errOSACantOpenComponent = -1762, /* Can’t connect to scripting system with that ID */
errOSACantStorePointers = -1763 /* Can’t store memory pointers in a saved script */

Drag Manager error codes

badDragRefErr = -1850, /* unknown drag reference */
badDragItemErr = -1851, /* unknown drag item reference */
badDragFlavorErr = -1852, /* unknown flavor type */
duplicateFlavorErr = -1853, /* flavor type already exists */
cantGetFlavorErr = -1854, /* error while trying to get flavor data */
duplicateHandlerErr = -1855, /* handler already exists */
handlerNotFoundErr = -1856, /* handler not found */
dragNotAcceptedErr = -1857, /* drag was not accepted by receiver */
unsupportedForPlatformErr = -1858, /* call is for PowerPC only */
noSuitableDisplaysErr = -1859, /* no displays support translucency */
badImageRgnErr = -1860, /* bad translucent image region */
badImageErr = -1861, /* bad translucent image PixMap */
nonDragOriginatorErr = -1862 /* illegal attempt at originator only data */

Apple’s Post Of The Day: General Error Codes for Mac